

General Amenities

Free Wifi

Meeting/Private Event Space

Fitness Center

Number of Bars/Lounges: 2

Number of Restaurants: 1

Number of Sleeping Rooms (Including Suites): 252

Number of Swimming Pools: 1


Luggage Storage

Room Amenities

Air Conditioning

Room/Bed Types:

  • King

Rooms with a Refrigerator

Wireless Internet in Guest Rooms

Time for a meeting? We have 8 societyM meeting rooms (for up to 14 participants). At societyM, we also dare to be different. We traded "tired" for "inspired" with fabulous Vitra furniture, exciting art, free-flowing coffee and superfast Wi-Fi that never slows down. Also in all societyM rooms - natural daylight, walls to write on, climate control, AV equipment and cables, stationery, plus delicious catering on request. Though leaders and open minds, pitch-perfect presenters, brilliant brainstormers, and witty workshoppers all welcome.

Meeting and Event Space

Meeting Rooms: 8


Partner has self-reported the following sustainability efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Option to opt out of daily room cleaning

Option to reuse towels

Single-use plastic cups not used

Single-use plastic cutlery/plates not used

Use of Unbleached Linens